
Feb 2

Welcome to my weekly edit, or notes, of what I am loving, what peaked my curiosity this week, latest happenings and what’s next! This week went by just as fast as the previous weeks. I cannot believe we are already a month into 2025! February is going to be a busy month with projects and travel. This is the first time in a couple of years that I will be skipping the furniture fair in GDL. I love going to that show, although I think the 2023 show was better than the 2024 show. Planning out the schedule for this month, time did not really allow for it but maybe we’ll be back in 2026. One show that I will be attending this month is KBIS. I finally went for the first time last year and it was a great show. It is massive and impossible to get through but it’s an amazing resource for anyone in the kitchen and bath industry.


Travel is clearly a theme of what I am constantly loving. I wrote a trip recap of my visit to Cape Town, South Africa this week, which had me perusing the mother city in general this week. I came across a restaurant that is definitely going on my list for next time. Hemelhuijs is a well known spot for breakfast that offers a visually stunning interior that resembles an art gallery while serving seasonal comfort food. They “artfully blending South African heritage with global culinary influences.” Food and design as art:

I am seeing more and more cordless lighting options and I think they are a game changer. There are so many times when electrical outlets are not in the right spot for a floor lamp or a table lamp and running a long cable to a nearby wall is never ideal. In some projects, there may be no to little remodeling done so we are left to work with the existing conditions. In other remodel projects, it can become price prohibitive to run electrical to a specific spot. Well companies are now coming up with solutions and pretty solutions at that! They are available in small and larger table lamps and some companies are even introducing wall sconces. How lovely is that?!


I am looking into getting a juicer. I have had juicers in the past but it’s been a while, but I’ve never had a cold press juicer. That is what I’m looking into now. Buying fresh juice adds up quickly and I miss not being able to make fresh juice whenever I want. There are so many options out there with a lot of mixed reviews so we’ll see which one I start with.

I have definitely been more into juice over the last few years than smoothies. I have no idea why smoothies don’t appeal to me as much as just does. But I did find this recipe that I’m going to try and see if it sparks my interest in smoothies once more.


I am back into the wellness chapters this week trying to figure out the best way to process and remember all of the information I am learning for my certification. I will gain Increased knowledge and proficiency about healthy buildings and develop a deeper understanding of how people’s health and well-being may be impacted by the built environment. The intent of the air chapter is: minimize risks associated with airborne contaminants and support individual thermal comfort preferences. People spend approximately 90% of their time in enclosed space so when you think about it, the air quality matters. Household air pollution was rated as the tenth most important cause of ill health for the world’s population. Image courtesy of Well AP.


In the studio this week continues more millwork, more updates on materials for some upcoming fun projects. There was a lot of millwork (drawings) to review and sample pulling happening. One thing I need to tackle is organizing the piles and piles of samples. I can just never seem to find the time to get to going through all of them, but I am moving in several weeks so it will definitely happen then. It’s one of the best things about moving.

We also got our photos back for two projects we shot at the end of last year. I am very excited about these two projects and the photos turned out great! More to come on those but for now here’s a sneak peak of one adorable girl and her beautiful room!

Nuela Designs_Interior Design for a baby girl nursery with pink and sage and chinoiserie scheme

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